Why Your Business Should Get On The Podcasting Bandwagon


Given podcasts' ability to attract and keep an audience, it's no surprise that business owners, entrepreneurs and marketers are looking to capitalise on the popularity of this medium. 

As a podcaster, you can position yourself as an authority in a particular topic or field, which will help you influence clients and customers in ways that encourage them to purchase your products and services, invest in your business, or promote you to their peers. 

Consumers prefer easy-to-digest information, and podcasts are available on-demand practically anywhere. For many people, it’s easier to hit a play button and listen-in while working, exercising, or doing chores than it is to make time to read a book or weekly blog post. Listeners are also more likely to develop a relationship with the hosts when connecting with them and their voices.

Podcasting allows you to build a relationship with your audience, which can open doors to new opportunities.

Whether you're hosting your own or appearing as a guest on another show, you're connecting with someone in your industry or field, which can lead to additional work and collaboration down the line. 

Perhaps most importantly, podcasting helps establish you as an expert in your chosen area or field because of your efforts to delve deeper into relevant issues during your show. 

You can become a trusted voice that others come to for insight and advice. Your brand will grow as you connect and engage with listeners and provide them with the information they need most. 

The first step is deciding what you'd like the focus of your podcast to be. You need to find a happy medium between a topic that is broad enough that you can explore many different aspects of it, and one that is narrow enough to attract an audience with that specific interest. 

Carve out a topic niche in which you can easily and authoritatively speak for long stretches in language that's informal and engaging.

Don't try to be everything to everybody. By showcasing quality content targeted to a specific group of people who want that content, you'll find your voice and start to grow your audience. 

If your industry is underserved in the podcast universe, it's likely that there are listeners out there who are hungry for information and actively searching for new content. 

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The most successful podcasts provide targeted content in a conversational, engaging style. Podcasting is no place for a teleprompter. A short topic outline might prove helpful, but successful podcasters don't use long scripts, because they lead to stilted language that doesn't resonate with listeners. 

Podcasts that feel like an advertisement or resemble a university lecture won't cut it either. 

Be authentic. Talk about what you know, using essentially the same words and tone you normally use when conversing with a close friend. Successful podcasts allow listeners to get to know the podcasters. 

Once your audience establishes a relationship with you, the group will be more likely to trust you as an industry expert and recommend your podcast to others. As your audience grows, so does your potential for more business contacts, clout, and revenue.

So, what are you waiting for? Podcasting is a great way to reach your audience right now. You have the knowledge and experience that others are looking for, so it’s time to get in front of a microphone.