The Media Is Not Always The Enemy

Not all journalists are confrontational, sensationalist, scaremongers! They don’t all tap our mobile phones, re-edit video, quotes from mystery “insiders” or make up fanciful stories.

Image via unsplash @fredasem

Image via unsplash @fredasem

Most are honest, hardworking people who are looking for breaking news or stories about interesting things, told by interesting people.

In television and radio, in particular, journalists are looking for “good talent.” People who can deliver great content or great ‘grabs.’ (In layman’s terms that means being articulate, charismatic and engaging).

I get concerned when I hear stories about some media training companies who run entire workshops designed to humiliate and frighten their trainees.

These poor unsuspecting people, who are unlikely to ever participate in a genuine media interview, suddenly find themselves being verbally whipped by a trainer channelling Ray Hadley on a bad day.


There is a time and a place for crisis management. I’m a massive advocate for practice and preparation but media training sessions should not be just about preparing for the “worst-case scenario.”

Rest assured most experienced media trainers can deliver a potent punch when it’s needed. An interviewee can find himself completely outfoxed and vulnerable without being part of a dramatic walk-in or street chase, so the need to berate someone is not completely necessary.

Despite a vicious and unrelenting 24/7 news cycle, most journalists still want decent stories. Good stories, stories with currency and stories that will appeal to a wider audience.

They are also looking for people who can tell their story with the appropriate passion, emotion, excitement, humour, credibility and authenticity.

If you’re a subject matter expert or even a high-level executive who would like to undergo some essential media training without being scared to within an inch of your life, please contact us here at Tucker Media.